Thursday, 11 February 2010

You give a little...and you can WIN BIG!!!


Who would like to be entered into a drawing for a FREE...yes FREE photo session with yours truly?? Not just the session but I will also give you a disc with 5 of your favorite images in high resolution ready for you to print. PLUS 20% off your order. A value of $400+.
All you need to do is donate NOW!!
Interested?? I know you are. Read on for details...

This year I have decided I need to help my local SeattleYMCA to raise some funds!! I'm thrilled to help. Their campaign is called Partners with Youth. The Partners with Youth Campaign has served over 30,000 families in my community, supporting such programs as Youth Health and Fitness, Day Camp, Swim Lessons, Single Parent Outreach and Family Function Events. A $25 donation makes available to a child, a 6 week swim class, the opportunity to participate in a youth sport, a place to be on in-service or inclement weather days instead of staying home alone, just to name a few. Giving just little can be HUGE!!

So, here's what you need to do. I need you to give at least $25. Every increment of $25 your name is entered into the drawing again, gotta boost your chances!! If you give anything over $100 and you are a first time contributor your donation will be matched up to 10k. How cool is that?? Oh and let's just say if you give 10k I will totally give you a free session!!! Or's the least i can do!
If it seems like $100 is a bit too much all at once you can break it down. Give $8.42 a month for a year. You won't even notice it and you will be helping so many families!! PLUS you are entered into the drawing 4 times.

Are you ready to give? Click here.

If I still haven't convinced you then let me tell you that .95 of every dollar contributed goes directly into programs for kids that need our help. I have seen the help in action first hand. Before I was Kerry Ann Photography I worked at the Northshore YMCA. They really do help. It's not just a way to get money. I have seen the difference in many children's lives because the YMCA was able to offer support to families. The difference between little *Bobby learning to swim or sitting home wishing he could swim. It's not his fault things like learning to swim cost money, money his parents can't afford. Pay rent or send Bobby to swim, maybe even play T-ball and help so he doesn't have be home alone during mid-winter break. They can send him to a YMCA camp!!! You know you want to help Bobby. Bobby needs us. Plus Bobby totally wants you to have really great pictures on your walls because you won the drawing!!
THANK YOU!!!!!! Now go here and give a little love.

(until I figure out if I'm able to see who's donated to the PWY fund I ask that you send me an email and let me know what you gave. Thanks!!)

*Bobby is fictional but his story is real.


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