Happy New Year to Kerry Ann Photography!!
I'm so excited to get going this year! I took some time off, well sorta for the holidays and to catch my breath. I did a few photo sessions during my vacation because well one was a newborn and we all know that doesn't last long and another was for a dear sweet girl and her sister. I couldn't resist. It's hard to go from being super busy to nothing but just "doing" my daily crazy life.
I like many others have really stepped up my fitness routine with the new year. Going to the gym is a such a day sucker and especially when dragging 2 littles along!! I would find that I would sit down at about 2pm to eat lunch and wonder "where did my day go?" I didn't pick up my camera for two whole weeks!!!!! I KNOW! I was tired, SORE, and just ran outta day light. Nuts. I was feeling great on the fitness/body front but I was kinda depressed. I just couldn't shake it and couldn't figure it out...I'm sure you're reading this like, ummm yah that's sad and stuff but do you have a point? Yes, my readers I do. I was sad and depressed because I hadn't played with my camera and been creative for TWO whole weeks. So everyday since my "AH hah" moment as Oprah would say I have been snapping away and editing and playing. Lots of playing. I feel fabulous again!! All thanks to a little creativity. I will not do that again. It was a rough patch for me and my poor family with this pathetic lady wandering around. But I'm happy to say I'm back to my normal self and to use the word normal is probably not the best descriptive word for me but that's a whole other post;-)
So here's the deal...on the bottom of this blog is a link to follow me on Facebook. Once you sign up and become a fan you will be asked in the next few weeks to leave a comment. I'll post a FABULOUS special only for my Facebook fans. On the post you will just leave a comment...and BAM you're entered into the drawing. So in the next few weeks keep your eyes peeled for the exciting news!! Free stuff is always exciting!!
Thanks for looking! xxoo
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