Friday, 17 July 2009

Benson Family {family and lifestyle portraiture}

Here's a few snaps of the super cutie Benson boys. T was 10 weeks and his older bro C just turned 4. Isn't T the sweetest little bald guy!! Such a good baby.
Me and C were hitting it off super fantastic and went on our own adventure to take a few shot of him and his balloon. I was holding onto his balloon for him while we climbed some stairs...I tied it to my pony tail....BIG, HUGE mistake. It got caught on a tree and flew off!!! OMG he was not happy with me and I felt horrible. I just feel lucky I was able to get a few more shots of him and a couple with his baby brother.
Of course I replaced his prized birthday balloon with a giant 4th of July balloon. I just hope it made up for my rookie mistake. I know better then this....OY!

Enjoy the B-Boys!


KerryMorgan 27 July 2009 at 19:49  

testing the comments...woohoo

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